Heavy rains and winds kill 20 people and damage Italy | news


The Italian authorities ratified on Friday that the winds and heavy rains caused at least 20 deaths and razed hectares of forests, particularly in the north of the country.

The region of Veneto, in the north-east of the country, is particularly affected by hundreds of uprooted trees on the slopes of the Dolomites mountains, due to the strong winds that blew Thursday. . 19659002] This Friday, two other people died: an 87-year-old woman and a 62-year-old German tourist, struck by lightning in Sardinia, according to the calculations of the Civil Protection.

The level of alert remained high this Friday in the city. Veneto and meteorologists are expecting new rains and winds over the weekend.

Italian Civil Protection, for its part, described this wave of bad weather as "one of the most complex meteorological situations in the world". timos 60 years. "

Venice suffered Monday one of the worst floods in recent history, with wind gusts of up to 180 km / h.

>> Heavy rains in Italy

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