Hepatitis C, a disease full of stigmas that make it difficult to diagnose



Hepatitis C is a disease full of stigmata. Because of this, diagnosis and access to treatment are delayed, worsening the symptoms of this disease that can lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis of the liver said the expert at Efe today. Miriam Castellot

"It's a silent disease, we silenced everyone for fear of discrimination, taboos, social stigma, but we want that to change," said the president of the states -United. 19659003] Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the virus of the same name, which rarely shows symptoms and is transmitted by blood . that, unfortunately, it is thought that it is a condition that only is transmitted by badual transmission . But there are various forms of infection, which are unknown and, being an asymptomatic disease, complications occur years later.

"I was infected in 1975 with a transfusion, but they did not detect it until 30 years later.Treatment with interferon and ribavirin, but they do not occur. have not worked, and now with new treatments, I have overcome the virus, but I have developed cirrhosis, a disease with which I live, "says the expert. that I felt was going to be an active person just wanting to lie down.

He was also suffering from hypertension and hypothyroidism, among other drug-derived symptoms.

Castellot said the badignments were reaching her family core, since one of Her children began to have symptoms of hepatitis, a diagnosis that was confirmed when she was 33.

"We thought that the infection was at birth, as childbirth was difficult, complicated, it was found in u inadequate position and, at that time, they mismanaged the blood, which led to the infection, "he explains

. It is estimated that 71 million people suffer from chronic hepatitis C and about 400,000 people die each year from this disease

. In Latin America, about 10 million people are infected, while in Mexico, 400,000 and 600,000 Mexicans live with this virus

Mexico is the second country in Latin America with more people infected .

The Stigmas and Myths Surrounding Hepatitis C Often Affect People's Health "Sometimes suffering from the disease can be a reason for dismissal from work," said Castellot.

Among the major groups At risk, he says, are users of inhaled and injectable drugs, as well as professionals, health professionals such as dentists, who are tattooed or pierced in dangerous places, and those undergoing hemodialysis. 19659004] Although there are currently drugs that can reach up to 99% cure in just three months, the expert said: In Mexico, this type of treatment is not accessible to the general population

"Even in groups such as people living in prison, the problem worsens because the risk of infecting other people is However, they do not have access to a diagnost ic, let alone treatment, "he said.

Castellot stated that since its foundation, they sought to sensitize the health authorities to promote a rapid diagnosis

. There are quick diagnostic tests, but also to channel all those who are positive for medical care and to ensure access to treatment "because it is possible to cure this disease with drugs ", he concluded

. July 28 of each year to raise awareness and inform the public about this disease.

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