"Her disconnect with women is total": critics of Karol Cariola in Piñera for a joke on a miniskirt


MP PC Karol Cariola used social media to question Sebastián Piñera's statements in the presentation of Iquique's development plan.

And the President made a controversial badogy to explain the scope of the rule: "We will apply the old and wise principle of the miniskirt, it must be long enough to cover the fundamentals and short enough to maintain the # 39; s attention. "

Faced with this, the parliamentarian made it clear that "The disconnect of Sebastián Piñera with women and the feminist debate that crosses the country is total."

"We will apply the old and wise principle of the miniskirt, it must be long enough to cover the fundamental and short enough to maintain attention". The disconnect of @sebastianpinera with women and the feminist debate that crosses the country are total. pic.twitter.com/oD6fJQi0nF

– Karol Cariola Oliva (@KarolCariola) 23 October 2018

His comments are shared by RD Giorgio Jackson, since he's questioned these statements. They occur at the same time as "women all over the world have demanded respect, equality and freedom to go out into the street dressed as they please, without fear that this" tension "will end in rape or a murder. "

statement @sebastianpinera President of Chile in October 2018, the same year that women rose all over the world to demand respect, equality and the freedom to go out into the street, dressed as they please, without fear for that "the tension" ends with rape or murder. 23 October 2018

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