Heraldo Muñoz appreciated Piñera's call to unity for education


The chairman of the party for democracy, Heraldo Muñoz, congratulated today that Sebastián Piñera has called for unity and seek agreements to improve the quality of public education in the country. country, but stressed the need to not in a single statement and materialize in concrete facts.

The helmsman of the PPD coincided with the head of state on the Plaza de la Ciudadanía, act in which a statue was inaugurated to Pedro Aguirre Cerda, radical president and leader of the Popular Front, who invented the "Governing is educating" and whose tribute has come to fruition with the contribution of a special commission made up of various organizations and relatives of the late president.

"It is always positive that a president pays tribute and commit, as committed, to improving education.There is a commitment here and we will be very attentive to what is going on. It is realized, through projects that have not yet reached the congress, "said Muñoz, who pointed out that Aguirre Cerda was the great precursor of public education and that it was the president "We hope this gesture (de Piñera) is followed by facts. There was a president who said "facts and no words". I appreciate what the President has said and we will be careful to respect the words that he has mentioned, "he said, recognizing the need for the next step to be followed to improve the quality of education.

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