"Here we pay duck two companies": the discharges of the director general of SQM by political plates


The current managing director of the Chemical and Mining Company of Chile (SQM), Patricio de Solminihac, has five months of mandate. And he does not want to continue because, as he indicates, the last three and a half years, where the company was plunged into the mess of political plates, were "exhausting".

"I have completed a stage, I have 31 years in the business, with three and a half years very intense, the goals have been achieved, I have filled what the We were waiting and I want to do something else, I did not have enough time for my family, "he said in an interview. newspaper El Mercurio .

Solminihac, which allowed the company to increase its sales and profits by $ 150 million and $ 30 million to $ 2,200 million and $ 400 million respectively, it has also talked about the crisis that he has had to face in recent years. "It was a country problem, and I was in a much more operational situation, but I do not justify it, I think it was bad, but you have to be realistic: here we pay duck two companies, I've seen how much have been rectified Despite his statement, he did not want to name any officials: "It's not my responsibility to do that, things went wrong and I'm not sure. I had to repair them, that's what I devoted myself to – I'm not interested, mine is the industrial thing, not being a political commentator. "

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