Heroin with only three years: saved the life of his father who suffered a stroke with FaceTime


A three-year-old girl became the heroine of the house in saving her father who was suffering from a stroke. The little girl used the Face Time app on her father's cell phone to give him all the details of what was happening to his father.

Molly McCabe, a 3-year-old girl, knew something was wrong when her father collapsed. of July. What she then saved her life.

Using her father's smartphone, Molly contacted her mother using FaceTime, a video calling feature of the iPhone.

The little one used the app to give him all the details of what was happening to his father, Trevor McCabe, 27.

"He phoned and was so brave, and he told me said that Dad was sick and showed me where Dad was, so I saw him "I immediately realized that something was wrong," Devon said, adding that he badured his daughter that he would be home soon.Then he called a neighbor and close friend who ran home and called 911.

Molly's mother quickly called them emergency services that have moved Trevor McCabe to the hospital in Winchester.In view of its seriousness has been transferred to a more specialized center, where they could treat the rupture of a brainstem artery that caused the formation of a clot.

"Life can change in an instant," Devon told the newspaper Winchester Star.

  Heroin [1965] 9009] This little girl saved the life of her father Facebook </span></div>
<p>  Although doctors are "really optimistic" that she can completely heal, this is not guaranteed, Devon added. Doctors have discovered that Trevor has a rare disease that makes him prone to stroke, as a result of a hole in his heart that should have closed after childhood, according to the report. As the hole did not close, a clot formed and went to his brain </p>
<p>  "It's going to be long," says Devon "The only reason he's doing so well, is because He was able to intervene so quickly. " He added: </p>
<p>  And his daughter Molly deserves a lot of credit for that, Dr. Jeffrey W. Carter, a trauma doctor at the Winchester Medical Center who works with Devon, said in an email. He called the actions of the child "one of the most incredible stories of my life" and added that his efforts "certainly" helped save his father's life </p>
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