History of journalist who witnessed the shooting in the American newspaper


Annapolis, United States

A man with a shotgun and smoke grenades stormed Thursday a newspaper in the American city of Annapolis, about an hour from Washington, killing at least five people. that the police described as a "targeted attack".

Authorities stated that the author of the shooting in the newspaper Capital Gazette is a "white adult" resident in the state of Maryland, who was arrested.

According to US media reports, the suspect named Jarrod Ramos is 38 years old and filed a lawsuit against the newspaper years ago for a case of criminal harbadment against him.

An article in the Capital Gazette published on its website of September 22, 2015 and accessed Thursday by AFP, mentions a favorable decision to the newspaper in a defamation suit filed in 2011 by Jarrod Ramos, a resident of Laurel (Maryland).

In a scary story, The journalist's historical guardian, dating back to the colonial period, recounted how the attacker had "shot at the glbad door of the office and opened fire on several employees."

"There's nothing more terrifying than hearing gunshots You're under a desk and you're listening to reload the shooter," he tweeted Phil Davis reporter of the police station

Read also: innocent journalists, "spokesman for Trump

" This was an attack directed against the Capital Gazette, "said Anne Arundel County Acting Police Chief Bill Krampf, at a press conference. Sweet

He added that the police were investigating "threats to the Capital Gazette on social media."

"We try to confirm their account and who sent them," said Krampf. Communication in general and "reported violence"

The editor Rob Hiaasen, known for having advised several journalists, is among the victims, according to the Baltimore Sun newspaper, owner of the Capital Gazette.

– There will be a print edition –

The publisher of the newspaper, Jimmy DeButts said "devastated and sorry."

"Journalists and @capgaznews editors give themselves every day, there are no 40-hour weeks or big payments, just a pbadion to tell stories of our community, "he writes on Twitter

Chase Cook, a journalist with the newspaper, said that filming would not stop The Capital, the local print edition, I went to the street. "Tomorrow we are going to have a satanic newspaper."

Gracie Rustin, a dental badistant who was in the middle of a procedure on the second floor of the building when the attack occurred, heard in the beginning that he did not realize that he was not there. it was a shooting

Then the police came in and said: "Go away, go in, go ," says Rustin at # 39; AFP

of an incident that occurred in 2015 in Roanoke, Virginia, during which two journalists were shot in a live broadcast on local television.

"Every shot like this is horrible, but it's happening in a place where journalism is done – especially disturbing and I'm sending back the avalanche of memories of that tragic day," said Andy Parker, whose the daughter Alison was one of the victims of Roanoke.

– "An Attack on All" –

President Donald Trump who has been confronted with much of the media since he took office, tweeted a message of support. "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, thanks to the first responders who are now in the place," he wrote

"A violent attack on innocent journalists doing their job is an attack on all Americans. " White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders wrote on Twitter

Several lawmakers have called for an end to gun violence.

"We must unite to end the violence," said Democrat Chris Van Hollen. been since 2017.

"The insane attack in a Maryland diary today is sickening, God bless these reporters," tweeted the House speaker, Republican Paul Ryan.

According to a recent study, Americans own 40% of the world's firearms while they make up only 25% of the world's population.

Of the 857 million weapons owned by civilians, 393 million are in the United States According to the Small Arms Survey, more than all privately owned guns in 25 other large countries, [19659003] Those who advocate for greater arms control in the United States have stepped up their efforts in recent years. months after several school shootings this year, including a high school in Florida in February, which left 17 dead, and that of another high school in Texas in May, which killed 10 people.

But until now, no there were big changes. Florida has raised the legal age to buy firearms from 18 to 21 years, while Texas Governor Greg Abbott has focused on the audit of mental health and safety school. ) .addEventListener (& # 39; click & # 39 ;, function () {
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