Hitman Legacy: Analysis | New


This episode of Hitman manages, once again, to fully satisfy the espionage game experience: to hide, to listen to conversations, to prepare a poison in the glbad of our objective, to knock people out for steal suit appropriate to the situation and just a moment in a clean and stealthy way. A very complete title, full of action.

The basic premise of Hitman Legacy is to act quickly and to prepare everything in advance, that is to say, it is necessary to know the exact moment when to shoot, or prepare disguise and poison before acting to avoid failures; a concept that manages to provide realism and an entertaining gaming experience.

In addition, each user will solve the mission in different ways, because Hitman Legacy offers different options to fulfill this mission, for example, to sneak from a balcony or wait for the moment to throw the target through the window, place an explosive at proximity, etc.

To be the best agent, you have to see it in HD. Graphics.

Visually, Hitman Legacy is awesome. An incredible level of detail, with particular care given to the physical appearance of all the characters, not only the protagonists, but also the extra characters. In addition, the level of definition of objects, weapons and scenarios is rather good, a well-worked aspect, as the observation of the environment and people will be crucial to achieve your goal.

Compared to the 2016 title, Hitman Legacy enhances textures to a higher level of definition and adds more light and brightness to the game, so details are not lost in very dark or high-end environments elements.

The sound is not part of a good sound band agent.

The music in Hitman Legacy is not the best, but neither is it disastrous. The pieces are rare in the game, they will appear only in moments of tension, for example when they discover you, kill someone or reach your goal. It is consistent, but it is not the most relevant part of the game.

On the other hand, a crucial concept for the work is that of sound effects, all of which function as Foley effects, it's the steps, the opening or when an object breaks It should be noted that many of these sounds will be fundamental to understand the exact moment to act, a principle that has been very well done and brings realism to the game. 19659010] Conclusion:

A complete, intense title, with a large number of actions and ways to achieve the objectives, which makes the gaming experience more enjoyable. Although not as convincing for those who have already played Hitman (2016), it is only a visual remastering and some game corrections.

Graphics: 8

Although textures have been improved and lighting, graphics do not end up being a big differentiator compared to its first version. But it's a well done game and with a lot of details.

Gameplay: 9

A title where you have to not only dodge, approach and stop, but it gets deeper when you have different options to complete. the mission. Very complete with an improvement of the smoothness of the controls compared to the first game.

Soundtrack: 8

The soundtrack of the game is not remarkable, simple, without much depth, but it conforms . The sound effects are well done and generate more intensity and realism for the title.

Note: 8

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