Homicide investigators in Hualqui continue: the victim was shot dead | National


The homicide brigade of the IDP Penquista pursues the search of the perpetrators of the murder of a man from Hualqui commune who was shot and wounded.

] Witnesses indicated that the victim was known microtraficant sector.

The victim was identified as Alfonso Flores Arévalo, 33 years old who died after receiving 8 bullet strikes in the thorax.

The fact has shocked the community by the ruthless act of criminals.

According to reports, at least three individuals arrived armed at a house in Colo-Colo Street 115. Once in place they began shooting at the property on many occasions causing serious injury. Flores, died during his transfer to the municipality of Cesfam.

During the attack, 28-year-old Juan San Martín Huaiquil, injured on the back and sent back to the Family Health Center, was also hit by bullets. and then to the Regional Hospital of Penquista, where he remains hospitalized out of risk of life

This was underlined by Second Lieutenant Joaquín Meza, head of the Hualqui Tenure.

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/ uploads / 2018/07 / cd2hualqui1.mp3

The investigation into the case was in the hands of the Homicide Brigade of the PDI of Concepción, which continues the procedure to find those responsible for this act. blood. 19659002] Mayor Ricardo Fuentes condemns the situation calling on the authorities of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Judiciary to to have a hard line with the crime and the regional authorities, to comply with the promises previously made.


Last April at the Hualqui Family Health Center 2 men were killed and one wounded after a settlement accounts between rival gangs, a situation that put a damper on the safety of the health commission, which shocked the community, which is once again demanding security in their neighborhoods.

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