Homily XIII Sunday of Ordinary Time Cycle B


Wis 1, 13-15; 2, 23-24; 2 Cor 8, 7. 9. 13-15; Mk 5, 21-43

"Talitá Kum, listen to me, my daughter, get up!" (Mk 5, 41).

Ki & oolal lake & # 39; ex ka t & # 39; ane 'ex ich maya, kin tsik te ex ki' imak oolal yéetel in puksi 'ikal. Bejla' u 'kiinil yeyyik u jalachilo' ob. Tuláakal máaxo & ' # 39; ob yaan ti & # 39; obe & # 39; 18 ja & # 39; ab & # 39; ob k & # 39; aabet u yéyiko & # 39; ob. Dso & # 39; okole & # 39; ma & # 39; yaantal k aakas óolal ichilo "one" ex

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the usual affection and wish you all the good in the Lord.

The day is come from elections.Nobody over eighteen should stay without expressing his vote.It is a citizen duty and therefore, it is also a Christian duty.I invite all young people. to vote at the polls because, without a doubt, you will make the difference.Offer the Eucharist of today, for which God knows that they will be chosen, so that they do a maximum of Efforts to fulfill their campaign promises, to promote peace with stability in the country and to favor the most needy. Let us remember that peace is the fruit of justice.

Let us continue to pray for all migrant children in the United States, separated from their parents, so that the desired reunion can be accomplished and the grave trauma overcome. children. Let's ask our nation and the nations of Central America, so that a dignified life status is achieved, so that no one is forced to emigrate, because the right to emigrate is before the right not to emigrate

. the author of life; If we are created in the image and likeness of God, our life must be eternal. Death has been introduced into the world by the evil one, as the price of sin, but death is not the last word, and it is not the worst thing that can happen to a human being. On many occasions, doctors are left without explanation as to why or how a person survives a prognosis for a life-threatening operation or illness, so they must repeatedly check that the Lord has the last word. In any case, death is not eternal and that is why we are fully convinced that we believe in Christ. Today's first reading, from the Book of Wisdom, says, "God did not kill, neither will he recreate in the destruction of the living" (Sg. 1.13).

Along the same lines, Psalm 29 is expressed that today we proclaim and say: "You, Lord, have saved me from death and on the verge of death. Has revived. " That's why when we have a loved one in gravity, we always believe that God can heal him, naturally or supernaturally, that it's still his hand that grants recovery.

The Holy Gospel of this Sunday, according to Mark, speaks of Jesus' divine power to heal and restore life. When there is a crowd around him, Jesus receives the head of the synagogue named Jairus, who comes to beg him for his daughter who is dying. The serious illness of a child is a good opportunity for an unbelieving father to start believing, or if he already believes, it is an opportunity to grow even more in faith. A couple once told me that they were boasting about their atheism and their disbelief, but when their little girl was operated on and the doctor did not guarantee her, she told them pray, they held hands and prayed as God Himself gave them to understand. The doctor left shortly after the operating room and they were very scared because he had warned them that the operation would take hours, so if he was leaving soon, it would mean that some something bad had happened. But to their surprise, the doctor told them that the operation had been suspended, because after a few tests, they found that inexplicably, the girl was healthy and did not need to have it. ;surgery. Since then, they are a couple of great faith and commitment in the Church.

Jairus was desperate when he approached Jesus. A moment of despair can be an opportunity for growth in faith. In the midst of the crowd, a woman who had been suffering from the circulation of blood for twelve years approached Jesus believing that by touching her mantle she could be healed, and by touching the hem of Jesus' cloak, she was indeed healed. Jesus seeks the one who touched him more with his faith than with his hand, to which she trembles with emotion, acknowledges that he touched her and that the miracle took place place. Jesus rebadures her by saying, "Child, your faith has healed, Go in peace, and be healthy from your illness." It is sad but many people are cured of an illness and then do not continue to persevere in faith and with ingratitude they distance themselves from God.

At that moment they tell Jairo that her daughter was already dead, but Jesus encourages her to continue. He continues only his way accompanied by Jairo and Pedro, Santiago and Juan. On reaching home, Jesus orders everyone to be silenced and cry, and they cry out in pain that the girl is not dead but asleep. With this people made fun of him; In the end, the girl's parents were left alone with Jesus and the three apostles. Then he took the girl's hand and ordered him, "Talitá Kum!" Which means: "Listen to me, my daughter, get up!" So, the girl has been resurrected.

Jesus ordered two things, that they would not tell anyone and that they would feed the girl. Jesus rejects the crowds who, with morbid curiosity, want to come for a miracle, that is why he orders them to tell no one, because he wants to be heard rather than seen with curiosity and interest. He wants to be sought with unconditional faith, although before he has the sensitivity to worry that the girl is eating immediately.

The resurrected daughter was twelve years old and the woman who was cured was also twelve years old with her illness, of which it turns out that both miracles, in addition to being historical, are also symbolic at the same time . There were twelve patriarchs from whom the twelve tribes of Israel drifted, so twelve apostles were to found the new People of God, who is the Church. The woman symbolizes the people of Israel and the girl symbolizes the Church. In fact, Christ reinforced the three largest pillars of the Church that are Peter, James and John; That's how he built us all. This is not just a miracle in favor of two people or two families, but in favor of the entire Church.

In the second reading from the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, the apostle motivates the disciples of this Christian community to be generous in the collection that he directed himself, in favor of poor of Jerusalem. He tells them that it is not that they are hungry to help with the collection, but that everyone gives what is not strictly necessary for sustenance, but that in sharing they all remain in a similar situation.

He has never stopped organizing collections because we will always have the poor with us and we will never miss the opportunity to share with the needy. The Church has always gone beyond the works of badistance and reached the human promotion that seeks to see the poor as the protagonists of their own improvement. For social pastoral care, it is the responsibility of the Church to co-ordinate the works of badistance, but also human promotion and all that contributes to justice and solidarity between Catholics and all peoples. I hope that, just as there are so many communist catechists and pastors, many people collaborate in the work of the social pastoral of their parish, as well as the archdiocese.

On July 12, hundreds of Yucatecans will go on pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. There is still time for those who have not heard or decided to be encouraged to join us and together we offer the Tepeyac Eucharist for our personal, family, ecclesial and social purposes; praying then especially for the President, the Governor and the Municipal Presidents we have chosen today. May our Mother of Guadalupe intercede for us

May everyone have a good week Praise to Jesus Christ

+ Gustavo Rodríguez Vega

Archbishop of Yucatán

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