Hospitalized the poet Ernesto Cardenal


Managua The Nicaraguan poet and priest Ernesto Cardenal was hospitalized in Managua because of a kidney infection and remains in a stable situation, his badistant, Luz Marina Acosta, reported today [19659002] "The father is well, he has been in intensive care for three days and the infection, but today they will spend in a room where they can already receive visitors," says Acosta at the dpa .

The author of Psalms, Hora Cero and Cosmic Canticle is part of a vast poetic work. "Acosta indicated that Cardinal's general condition is good, with no arterial or pulmonary problems, so doctors only administer intravenous antibiotics." 19659002] The poet "is angry because in the unit of They do not let him read or hear news, and he wants to know what happened with the demonstrations and the dialogue, "said Acosta. began with a demonstration of university students last April and worsened after violent police and paramilitary actions against protesters, causing 285 deaths, according to human rights organizations.

who was Minister of Culture during the Revolution (1980-1990), publicly supported the students and demanded the resignation of President Daniel Ortega, whom he accuses of leading "a dictatorship" in Nicaragua. [19659005]! B, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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