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Duplex, the company's digital badistant for phone calls, began its first test

  Google Assistant

With Duplex, Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO, made an unprecedented technological demonstration on I / O of


June 28, 2018, 2:12 pm

The new Google Assistant feature, which can tell people to make a reservation or an appointment, will make calls to some US companies this week as part of their first small-scale public trial. , presented by the company in May at its developer conference, has become one of the most commented demos of the year.

The company announced that the first tests of the wizard will be conducted with a small group of "reliable testers". "and that there are already shops and businesses that will start receiving calls from Duplex according to TechCrunch.

According to the portal, Google Assistant will call companies to confirm the hours of service. , Duplex will allow users to make restaurant reservations through it.

Now, calls made by Duplex will start with a greeting, this will clarify that it is a virtual badistant and that the Call will be recorded. It will not always say exactly the same phrase but it will include variations, says Google.

Merchants may choose not to accept Duplex calls, which means that They will not be included in the Google Business List., As reported by TechCrunch.


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