How to avoid the proliferation of the mosquito that transmits yellow fever, zika and dengue fever? | National


In April 2016, 63 years after his eradication of the country, a copy of Aedes aegypti was found in the Arica region which triggered a health operation intense. in the case, confirmed by the then Minister of Health, Carmen Castillo.

In January of this year, meanwhile, and in the same area, a dozen of these mosquitoes were found although it was excluded.

Because of the foregoing, there are protocols in this regard in the north of the country, for the purpose of keeping this mosquito which transmits the zika ] dengue yellow fever and chikungunya .

Although these cases were not recorded in the Tarapacá area, there is a surveillance, prevention and control program for mosquitoes. of health importance, initiative which installed ovitraps in Huara Pozo Almonte Iquique and Alto Hospicio cities which, because of their geographical situation, risk to develop colonies of this insect .

  aegypti (cc) / Flickr
Aedes aegypti (cc) / Flickr

On this line, in a conversation, La Estrella de Iquique, responsible for the health of this region, Manuel Fernández, distributed words to avoid proliferation of this mosquito, a few days after the second mega-release of 2018.

"There are simple but effective measures such as replace the water content of vases with wet sand or a foam oasis, change and clean daily pet shelters, keep triage areas clean and tidy, and avoid hatchery development, "he said. can deposit up to 200 eggs, warns the owner of the local wallet.

To this is added the knowledge that the population should have about this mosquito, especially at the time of to recognize it .

He measures in particular between 5 and 7 millimeters, his body is black, his legs are streaked with white and his displacement does not exceed 40 meters per day.

  Aedes aegypti, vector mosquito of the Zika virus | Wikimedia
Aedes aegypti, vector of the Zika virus by the mosquito | Wikimedia

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