How to calibrate your cell phone to optimize battery performance


The batteries of our cell phones are, for many, a real headache.

They often turn off without warning, never charge completely and do not go from 40% to 12% in a few minutes. And if there was a way, at least, to make them more reliable?

There are some. You just have to calibrate them. This is a solution that, although it does not directly prolong the battery life, allows to optimize its performance and allows us to know the current level of charge.

Calibration of a battery is therefore carried out . adjust your charge level with what the percentage of the display indicates . Mobile phone manufacturers themselves recommend every three months or so .


This is important because, does not prevent the cell phone from turning off the more you need it, but knowing the actual charge of your phone, you can optimize its performance, without lowering the load by 60 to 40%, the range that experts mix in which your cell is more efficient. [19659007] How to Calibrate

It's a simple but somewhat lengthy process, perhaps harder to follow for those who can not remove their cell phone.

In most phones, generic indications are followed. In this case, we will do what Logitech recommends.

  1. Charge your cell phone's battery to 100% and leave it plugged in a few hours later to make sure the 100% charge is real.
  2. the battery of your cell phone completely, it is not worth the deactivate when you have 1 or 2% left. To force it, you can use applications that you know they consume more battery.
  3. We wait with the phone downloaded at least four hours to ensure that any residual energy is released.
  4. After this time, we reload the phone again. 100%, with the phone turned off and without using it.
  5. Once it has reached 100%, we leave it again for a few hours.

After this last loading, our phone must be calibrated.


Now, if you have an iPhone the process is different. And Apple is pretty specific about the steps to follow.

The first two stages of are the same as for other generic phones, but after:

  • 3. The rest time is six to eight hours for Apple devices.
  • 4. The second charge lasts the same time that we left the phone at rest: six or eight hours. You must disable it or in airplane mode.
  • 5. After this time, if you have opted for airplane mode, turn the phone off and on again by holding down the Home buttons and power buttons as if you were going to restart it.

Your iPhone should be fully calibrated Apple also recommends that you calibrate your devices once a month not every three months, as recommended by other manufacturers.

Did you know that you can not just calibrate your mobile phone? Laptops, which also tend to have problems with the battery, can be calibrated. Check with your manufacturer for the steps to follow.

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