How to identify the sexuality of people: Does the length of the ring finger and the index reveal sexual orientation? | Tendencies


A study of the University of Esbad (United Kingdom) determined that if a woman had fingers annular and index (2D: 4D) of length different it is more likely that she is bad or bibadual.

The study was conducted with several pairs of identical twins . in which one of the brothers and sisters was heterobadual and another homobadual

The results showed that the homobadual twins had a greater difference between the length of their indexes and annul especially women.

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"Because identical twins who share the 100% of their genes, can differ from their badual orientations other factors in addition to the genetic should explain these differences " quotes Dr. Watts Daily Mail.

Of the 18 couples [] of identical twins studied, bibadual or bad sisters tended to have greatest difference in the proportion 2D: 4D, although only in the hand on the left . Meanwhile, the rings and indexes of his heterobadual sisters were more or less of the same size.

As the scientists explain, ] this phenomenon is related to the exposure of to the bad hormone testosterone in the womb of the reproductive woman . Women exposed to higher testosterone levels are more likely to be bibadual or homobadual.

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