How to prevent and treat hepatitis: 1575 cases of type A have already been reported so far this year


Hepatitis can be acute or chronic and depending on the type can cause cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. According to WHO data, about 325 million people worldwide are suffering from chronic hepatitis.

Of these, 257 million are infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 71 million with the hepatitis virus. C (HCV)

At the national level and so far this year, 1,575 cases of hepatitis A have been reported according to data from the latest National Health Survey, 0.15% of the population was affected. for hepatitis B. Hepatitis C, meanwhile, mainly affects people over 45 years of age. In America 3.9 million people live with chronic hepatitis B and 7.2 million with hepatitis C.

What is this disease?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver usually caused by a viral infection. In our country, it is a preventable disease. For this reason, vaccination campaigns against hepatitis A and B are reinforced each year.

The vaccine is free since these vaccines are part of the National Immunization System. In the case of hepatitis C, its treatment is considered an explicit health guarantee (GHG).

How is it spread?

Hepatitis A can occur due to the consumption of water or food contaminated with faeces. However, during the last period, there has been an increase in cases of infection through badual transmission.

Dr. Edmundo Aravena, gastroenterologist at the San Borja Arriarán Clinical Hospital, points out that "according to the latest statistics, these are men between 20 and 40 years old, being the form of contagion through the cbads. oro-bad. "

The specialist adds that this increase reflects" the lack of protective measures, such as the use of condoms. "

In the case of hepatitis B and C, the infection is mainly badual and bloody. "Other possibilities for infection, such as blood transfusions, tattoos, piercings, or dangerous medical practices, are areas that are becoming increasingly more controlled, "said the specialist,

Acknowledging his symptoms

Hepatitis causes in the human body what is called jaundice, that is, yellowing of or In addition to general decay and febrile sensation,

"In the case of hepatitis B and C, the late detection and the non-observance of the necessary precautions and care can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or even of the liver. liver cancer ", explains the hospital gastroenterologist San Borja Arriarán.

The specialist adds that" in the case of hepatitis C and because this type does not show any obvious signs or that these can be confused with other diseases, should be considered for hepatitis. "

How to prevent hepatitis?

Preventive measures indicate frequent hand washing, especially before food preparation and consumption and also, whenever you go to the bathroom or change diapers

"It is important to trade allowed, eat well cooked meats, fish and seafood, wash fruits and vegetables well and consume only drinking water. In addition, clean bathroom appliances with chlorine every day, "says Aravena

In case of badual intercourse, contact with the stool should be avoided and soap and soap washing is very important. The use of condoms.

"The most important is to avoid the risky behaviors mentioned above and, at the same time, to use condoms.In the case of those who have tattoos or piercings, it is always essential to choose places certified by the health authority, "he concluded.


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