HTC announces today the dismissal of 1,500 of its workers in Taiwan where the company is based. A layoff that leaves the total of employees one day was a technology giant in less than 5,000 in the world, a small number compared to the money available five years ago and that shows the terrible state in which

The reality is that it can not be said that it is a surprise that HTC has decided to reduce a lens that is going through a very delicate moment for years, mainly because of the low sales that are able to agglutinate on the current market of smarthpones . Although in recent times they have manufactured phones of a huge quality, the company has lost the favor of some consumers who are now turning to Chinese manufacturers with a strong brand image and who are under the arm with high performance devices. The price of demolition

The Taiwanese company is long, and in 2015, both from the outside as from the inside of the company, many have seen the look that he took a spiral that seemed more and more complicated to leave . The new round of layoffs only adds to the feeling that the stuttering of HTC is fatally wounded and it's only a matter of time before the sword of Damocles falls. on her.

Whenever you can do less

subsist, so HTC makes a new cycle of layoffs that is intended to be able to more optimally manage the resources of the company and that this, in a few words, stops losing money. The problem of constant staff cuts is that they come with the implicit links that flow from it and for the company it will become increasingly difficult over time to develop quality products.

It is also mandatory to mention the purchase of Google to the division. The company's mobile phone, which involved taking with them 2,000 of the best HTC workers specialized in this area. For the moment, there is no white flag. HTC does not give up. The company will continue to be present in the technology industry as long as the forces and money permit, but there are growing doubts about the duration of the translation.