For many this year has come the surprise confirmation that the new P20 would be called that, and not P11 as far as expected, and for the second half of the year, things will continue like that for Huawei.
Huawei Mate 20: Successor of Mate 10
It turns out that the company of Chinese origin has already patented the brand Mate 20, which confirms that its new flagship for the second half of the year Year will be called like this, but they also patented names for
Thus, it was possible to see how the names of Mate 30, Mate 40, Mate 50 and so on. at Mate 90 were recorded, which seems a bit odd, at least. [19659005Maintenantencequiconcernelesrumeursdel'appareililseraitlivréavecunécranAMOLEDde69poucesetneseraitpascourbécontrairementàbeaucoupdefabricantsd'aujourd'huiQuandils'agitdejustifiercetteavancedanslatailledesécranslesgensdeHuaweiontditqueleursconsommateurspréféraientlesécransplusgrandsquelesautresconsommateursdesautresmarques
Be that & # 39; it is, we'll have to wait at least two more months for details on the device, so we stay tuned for any other information.
Source: TMDN
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