Huawei mocks Samsung and Apple by being fined for encouraging teams


INTERNATIONAL DRAFTING.- We all felt that over time, team performance was slowly decreasing, which may be due to several factors, but in Italy, the Competition Authority and Talian's Market) found that Apple and Samsung had made it purposely in their updates, so they were fined.

The charge in particular was "programmed obsolescence". It was held in January and at the close of the investigation, they were found guilty of planning a faster update of equipment.

The fine amounts to 5 million euros for each company. The conclusion to be drawn is that the launch of some firmware updates for mobile phones posed serious operating problems and significantly reduced equipment performance, which accelerated the replacement process, ie "One of the aggravating factors is that both companies have been encouraged to update the software to users without giving the possibility to go back to the previous version."

In addition, the CMEA Apple fined an additional $ 5 million for not providing clear instructions on when to replace the battery and how to do it. Recall that it was discovered before that when changing the battery of the equipment, they were also new in the case of models such as iPhone 6 and 6. As if that was not enough, both companies must put links on the pages of this agency on their Italian page giving the results of this study. Its main rivals launched on Twitter a publication in which it is said that the Mate 20 family will never be slow, neither at the beginning nor at the end of the life of these models … at least in Europe.

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