Huenchumilla describes as "not very serious" Piñera's response to criticism of the legislative drought


The senator of the DC, Francisco Huenchumilla rejected President Sebastián Piñera's response to criticism of the "legislative drought" of the government after summoning parliamentarians to work in Projects sent by the Executive.

In an activity in the Region of La Araucanía, the President criticized the small advance of the Anti-Terrorism Act stressing that "unfortunately this bill could not advance in Congress. "

" To those who speak of legislative drought I say to you, first of all: take care of the many projects that we have already sent and that, for various reasons, they fail not to cross "I know that everything this government does will generate an automatic criticism, without deliberation, without foundation .. criticism I tell them that they do not want to collaborate, they do not interfere, because the vast majority Chileans want Chile to get up and no one to turn us off that path, "Piñera said.

Huenchumilla: Piñera is misinformed or populist

Given this, Senator Huenchumilla, chairman of the Constitution Committee, who badyzes changes to the anti-terrorism law, accused the president of being wrong informed and appointed the Minister of the Interior,

"The sweetest look I have is that the President is misinformed and the other look would be that it comes to Araucania to make populism.In both cases, I find the statement of the President "", said the deputy DC

"This bill has been treated with the same rigor with which we treat all bills . But the most important thing is that this project is managed by Minister Andrés Chadwick, so I would like to take the opportunity to summon Minister Chadwick to tell us how we are working on the project, "he said. he says.

explained the statements of Piñera

"There is Senator Huenchumilla who is the chairman of the commission and we are working on a positive action plan, so we go from there. before, what do we want to advance faster? Yes " he said.

Huenchumilla pointed out that the anti-terrorism bill was delayed several weeks because La Moneda did not enter the indications with the financial report required by laws that imply public spending. [ad_2]
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