Hundreds of Hondurans celebrate their clandestine departure to Mexico: others wait for official income | Internationale


Hundreds of Hondurans who managed to enter Mexico from Guatemala escaped the security of immigration held this Saturday in downtown Ciudad Hidalgo, d & # 39; where they plan to continue in the United States, while thousands are still waiting on the binational bridge to enter legally.

In the central park of the Mexican city, a large group of migrants, belonging to the caravan of about 4,000 Hondurans left last Saturday of San Pedro Sula, shouted "yes c & # It was possible! ", In a party atmosphere.

Some of them danced cumbias performed by itinerant musicians.

"We are already in Mexico and the" migra "(migration) and the police have not stopped us," said a young man from Tegucigalpa, who did not identify himself.

The Agence France-Presse did not see for the moment how many migrants concentrated on the square corresponded to the caravan and how many were already in shelters in Mexico and had been summoned by activists to show their solidarity with their comrades.

Some 900 migrants reportedly attempted to enter Mexico via the Suchiate River according to the Interior Ministry, which is trying to "save" them and repatriate them.

"We come in peace and looking for work," said Mario Calderón, 28, who added that those who still remain on the international bridge, an official pbadage between Mexico and Guatemala, do not know that they can cross rafts without being stopped. "But, little by little, they will come true".

From the park, about 500 Hondurans walked towards the bridge to encourage their compatriots to cross the river and join them during . continue their march towards the United States on Sunday .

Hondurans waved the flags of their country and sang their national anthem.

The number of migrants on the bridge, estimated by the Mexican authorities at 4,500 people, had been reduced to about 2,200, said Gobernación, because many have decided to return to their country and others have crossed the river using precarious rafts made with the help of tires.

adults and children.

640 Refugee Claims

Previously, Mexico had paved the way for dozens of women and children who had been taken to Migrations for registration and would then be taken to a refugee shelter. the city of Tapachula, about 40 kilometers from Ciudad Hidalgo.

"Happy, happy, I'm happy! Finally," shouted 21-year-old Gina Paola Montes, as she was crossing the pedestrian crossing of the border bridge already on Mexican territory, guarded by riot police .

The authorities informed the Agence France-Presse that the legal pbadage had already been closed on Saturday and that the groups would resume Sunday "in the first hour"

The Ministry of the Interior from Mexico received 640 asylum applications at the next stage He added that he had given priority attention to 164 women, some of whom had an advanced pregnancy and 104 minor ones.

Some migrants left the bridge to spend the night in shelters in the Guatemalan city of Tecún Umán. [19659012] Political motives

The presidents of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, and of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, denounced this Saturday political motives in the caravan, which is exploited cha "the human misery " and the" good faith "of states, as affirmed at a joint press conference in the Guatemalan capital.

The two leaders also held a conference call with his Mexican counterpart, Enrique Peña Nieto, in which they agreed to "resolve the situation at the border".

The exodus was strongly criticized by the US President, Donald Trump who threatened Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador withdraw financial aid if they did not master the 39, illegal immigration .

This Saturday, Trump again spoke of the fact that the caravan was criticizing the US Democratic Party, accusing them of maintaining weak immigration laws. and to thank Mexico and its leaders.

"Mexico now respects the leadership of the United States.Thank you Mexico, it's great, we appreciate it," said Trump during a proselytizing event in Nevada, mentioning the efforts of the Mexican authorities to contain migrants.

Hondurans who managed to enter Mexico with the consent of their authorities are renewed its uncertainty once inside the country.

"They have a double hope: to give us permission to move to Tapachula or to deport, only God knows," says Montes leaving behind his initial enthusiasm.

Resist or Return

Migrants who remain on the bridge still suffer from the heat and hunger that fuel their desperation.

Scared and resigned, a few dozen of the Agence France-Presse said that some 1945

governors indicated that some

American governors were in the center of Tecún Umán, his desire to return to Honduras and another 1,000 people repatriated from Guatemala

The caravan left the city of San Pedro Sula a week after a call posted on social networks

The following days They crossed Guatemala on foot and in any vehicle that stopped the march.

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