Hurricane: Commission assigns responsibilities of Fernández and Aleuy


Unanimously, the inquiry commission on the so-called "hurricane" operation approved its report, which identifies the political responsibilities of the former Interior Minister Michelle Bachelet, Mario Fernandez, and Under-Secretary of the Portfolio, Mahmud Aleuy.

The agency has been working since April of this year on the badysis of police performance, criminal prosecution and intelligence services with regard to the alleged existence of false evidence in the Operation during which 8 members of the community were arrested participated in a series of attacks in the region, including the head of CAM, Héctor Llaitul. As part of the case, a series of tests were presented that ended up being a montage. Among them, alleged WhatsApp conversations during which they considered the possibility of bringing back arms from Argentina.

The report must be voted by the House, which can approve or reject what has been agreed by the legislators.

PPD deputy speaker Andrea Parra said that "what is done is to establish responsibility for the omission, while understanding that it is a matter of the responsibility of the state and different governments, which has not resulted in change. " important in the intelligence law. "

With respect to the role of Fernandez and Aleuy, the legislator stated that" we think the summaries were late, it was not corroborated that the information was real ". [19659003] "We do not believe that there has been fraud with respect to the participation of the minister or under-secretary, but there has been omission or failure to understand that a law on intelligence was necessary to change it, "he explains.

But, in addition to the former minister and the former undersecretary, the union signals the responsibilities of the former director general of the Carabineros , Bruno Villalobos, and former intelligence chief, Gonzalo Blu, in detention, for his alleged involvement in the crime of unlawful badociation.The public prosecutor blames Blu for leading the group that invented evidence against the comuneros, where Álex Smith, the so-called "professor", played a role

"They have the responsibility of the command and, in Blu's case, there is direct responsibility, without prejudice to what the courts will establish," said Parra.

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