I bank Unasur and I get the regional project Chavista


The head of the UNASUR company signs a letter announcing that the agency no longer has the means to operate. (FotoMontaje de PanAm Post)

In the average city of the world, located in the parish of San Antonio of the Metropolitan District of Quito, is a building whose construction cost 45 million dollars of Ecuadorian taxes taking advantage of the supposed regional integration: the seat of Unasur (Union of South American Nations).

But more and more complaints are being made that in reality this organization does not benefit the countries and their citizens, but perpetuates a political project:

At a press conference with international media, the current Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno called the building "white elephant".

Although he considers that Unasur is a good idea and that there is an integration, He said that "it does not work" because of "human failures", "he did not crystallize, because of ideological flaws ".

For the moment, this indicates that Usasur will not disappear as an entity, but the building will have another function: a center for indigenous higher education, as indicated after the creation of the Secretariat of Bilingual Intercultural Education

"Unasur unfortunately does not work due to lack of consensus of the countries that make it up, (In April, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Paraguay and Peru have announced their withdrawal from Unasur

.The next nation to warn of his retirement is Colombia.This was declared by newly elected President Iván Duque, who – Ernesto Samper – who was president from Colombia and Secretary General of Unasur reprimanded via social networks.

The withdrawal of several members has reduced income, together with the lack of payment of member countries. for example, has not yet paid a only quota this year

Today, we had a conversation with the international media. It was very rewarding to respond to the concerns of the press who had every freedom to ask. We demonstrate with facts the intention to make our management transparent. pic.twitter.com/UilvjKl5yr

– Lenín Moreno (@Lenin) July 5, 2018

This results from a report leaked to the local press that shows the looming bankruptcy of the 39; Unasur.

"Bearing in mind that as of July 30 of the current year there are not enough resources to cover the needs of the last quarter of the year," he said. Entity will terminate payments, "says an official letter signed by Yuri Chillán, head of the Unasur cabinet, sent to the Bolivian Deputy Foreign Minister, María del Carmen Almendras, coordinator of Unasur for Bolivia

It is worth mentioning that Bolivia is one of the three countries that still pays the badigned quota. Suriname (although they have been in debt since 2017).

At the instability of the internal economy of the body add ethical conflicts. The Chief of Staff has complaints of badual harbadment against Unasur employees, in addition to a scandal for the vehicle he owns, a $ 100,000 Audi [19659003] PanAm Post contacted Martín Pallares, report writer, who lost his job at El Comercio because of political pressure during the government of Rafael Correa. After his dismissal, Pallares founded 4pelagatos – media that he published the office – along with two other journalists, produced the media persecution that existed at the time of Correa.

"The name comes from a term that Correa has used pejoratively to describe his opponents and critics and describe them as minorities.We believe that minorities are as important as minorities in a democracy and that is why we wanted to take this name in their honor, "he explains

They wanted to ensure impunity

Pallares believes that Unasur was born of a legitimate concern for integration that at one very early on, had the governments of Cardoso in Brazil and Toledo in Peru.

But this indicates that "then the idea was taken by Hugo Chávez, who saw in Unasur the perfect way to lead the continent politically, because in the economic part, he had already done so with loans, financing and donations of fuel. "

Believes that the organization represented for Ecuador, as for Venezuela," an institution ad hoc to legitimize authoritarian and undemocratic political models among the governments of the region. "

Specifies that a regional entity that could avoid international tribunals, such as The Hague, and avoid regional entities such as the OAS." These governments aligned with Chávez thus thought to be able to "re-engage". to ensure that they could avoid the judgment of countries or governments of other continents in the event of human rights claims. "

" Basically, there was the project of ensuring the rights of "Impunity", exalted

"The closure of Unasur is the end of an international politics of the Ecuador of absolute unconditionality with Venezuelan Chavismo," he added.

Although in recent weeks, the Minister of Foreign Affairs María Fernanda Espinosa, Pallares argues that "Ecuador had already criticized the political model of Venezuela, the closure of Unasur not only has a significance symbolic, but also the end of a pro-vé operation The nezuelian that was made of his construction "

" There was a team of lobbying and even espionage related to the Maduro government, "he concluded. [ad_2]
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