"I broke my head": a young man denounces a brutal assault of the police in San Antonio | National


"The carabiner with the luma strikes me in the head and was wounded and the blood continued to come out (…) They can not act with this violence". Thus, Jorge Vera Campos (23) describes the badault suffered by a rifleman who beat him in front of a bank in Llolleo, San Antonio municipality.

The situation was recorded and viralized by social networks, recording in which Vera says "m broken my head", watching his hand covered with blood. they quickly removed from the place

The incident took place at dawn on Friday the 13th, when the man was with three friends on the outskirts form the bank. Chile of said locality, with the aim of using the cashier "to get money and leave for the house", according to the head of San Antonio.

According to the story of the young man, they were waiting for a friend to leave the place, when "Carabineros got to take control of us." So we decided three to record what was happening, because since the Arrival of the Carabineers acted with great violence. "

After this line, Vera describes lived as an" abuse ", indicating that when they got off their vehicles " they were always violent, we told them that what they were doing was not good, so when we started recording, they became more violent. "

friends, he drank alcohol that night, said that at no time [provoquèrent19459004] police officers in uniform.

Because the aggression, Jorge was with TEC opened in his head, which led to filing a complaint the local attorney in San Antonio.

Riflemen's Response

Major Rodrigo Pizarro, Deputy Administrative Prefect of the San Antonio First Police Station, noted that AWARE is or what has happened, adding that he is conducting a investigation internal.

"In the administrative lawsuit will see if is unauthorized or the staff, if they had the responsibility Carabinieri" he added.

when asked why the Carabinieri did not pay support the wounded young man, Pizarro said that "only know the carabinieri. You must investigate. Take declarations and establish responsibilities (…) It is obvious that the staff of Carabineros has the obligation to badist a victim. In this case, he should have helped. "

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