"I did not believe that they were doing Doing Business"


Nobel economist and Nobel Laureate 2018, former World Bank President Paul Romer, pointed out his criticism of alleged manipulation of country data to establish the Doing Business ranking, which would have hurt Chile in Michelle Bachelet's second government

After the Chilean scandal and his resignation from the World Bank, Romer won the Nobel Prize for economics and gave Sunday a daily interview to "La Tercera", in which he resumed "the first time". the case of Chile ".

The economist reaffirmed his criticisms of a few months ago aimed at developing the Doing Business ranking (or index of ease of doing business) and that in his statements a few months ago, he was asking for self-criticism from the World Bank.

Confidence in the integrity of those who produced Doing Business. I could not prove that this was done dishonestly, but there were worrying signs that the high standards of integrity that were intended for this type of work were not being met (… I wanted to point out that this report was problematic. . As a manager, who is the visible guarantee of integrity, I should be able to say, "I trust the work that people do." At the World Bank, I could not say that. "

Romer states that the changes made by the World Bank in Doing Business are not designed and / or executed in a transparent manner, and that there is no clear indication as to the reasons for which the methodology has changed and the situation in Chile was an example of these problems.

"When Chile fell in the rankings, it was felt that this was due to the fact that the policy had become worse . Then there were statements that said it was diminishing because things were not going as fast as other countries. None of these explanations was true, the truth is that Chile has fallen because we have constantly changed the measure, "said Romer.

Finally, the reputed economist claims that his critics did not involve no controversial consideration, but the World Bank works.

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