"I see the opposition quite puzzled, I will say more, we play alone"


Today, more than a writer, he is a writer, like that of "your Julia" of Vargas Llosa. I recently told the Peruvian writer, when the two met in Madrid, in the Foundation for Freedom presiding over the Nobel Prize.

A fascinating and "very intense" world that Mauricio Rojas currently lives at La La monnaie as the director of the Presidency's materials and strategies. "To think that at 18, when I was revolutionary, I wanted to take La Moneda and now I'm in. The tricks of life," says the second-floor presidential deputy.

He had several rounds. MIR activist in the 70s, exiled and deputy in Sweden until 2008, writer, lecturer, a very free life … it cost him to leave this "absolute control of time", but it was an experience terrific, a fascinating learning of oneself "" I am very happy with this step, "he says, sitting at the Public Foundation, created by Julio Isamit, Jorge Acosta and historian Alejandro San Francisco -" during a moment, "he says immediately.The four years of government are what he promised to President Sebastin Piera, with whom he works since 2013.

Between them, he feels a" huge slogan ". Indeed, by the hands of Rojas pbad all the texts that the President pronounces in public, some only for review and, in other cases, write almost complete.The first public report of June 1, the launch of the new Department of Family and Social Development, this week, Two good examples of the "new narrative" that the strategist has shaped for this second period from Piera to La Moneda. The axes are freedom, solidarity, justice and progress, central themes also in his new book "La Democracia besieged" launched in August, a study on democracy, populism and "utopa socialdemcrata" that Rojas considers the " big theme "of the present

– This new story about solidarity, equal opportunities," protected middle clbad ", breaks with the Chicago paradigm to which the Chilean right was historically ceded

– Sebastin Piera 's key to triumph was to capture that Chile is in a special situation, it' s like a climber who climbs the mountain looking up and in the middle looks down and feels scared, l '. ;insecurity. Piera has understood and raised some very important issues that are restoring a security base, because the country is getting tired of a very sloppy reform attempt. Sometimes the right to repair the damage on the left, extinguish the fire like firefighters, but off, people do not want to live with firefighters, they want dreams. We are between dream and everyone, the long-term project must show a future path that creates the creation of a political majority.

Solidarity, inclusion, equality of opportunity, were concepts of the left and are new in the narrative of center right, they imply an evolution. Today, we are talking about integral, inclusive and sustainable development, economic growth is very important, but we involve something much bigger.

– Some time ago, Minister Juan Andrs Fontaine declared that Piera's government program was the same. I studied at the University of Chicago with Milton Friedman.

– These are disputes that tend to stay on the headlines, Luis Larran says that Chile has changed and that what was valid on 91 is not today. The right center has badumed this fully, we need to create a political alliance, the private sector and the citizens, to solve these problems collaboratively. In Sweden, we have the coupons invented by Milton Friedman, but applied by the Swedish Social Democracy who transfer the decision-making power to the citizens, in an open field of possibilities, with private or public suppliers.

This New Story ?, Because the Education Minister's "Bingo" that may be debuting may reveal his deepest sense of well-being.

-There is a deep conviction that the great political dispute is in social justice. win with this development, feel part, but sooner or later there will be a … we saw it in 2011. Everyone is talking about social law as the only playground, is Jos Antonio Kast who plays in another, more limited, which has a ceiling, and very solid, I do not doubt it.

The discourse of equality of opportunity is morally very powerful, solid, a new contribution of law that has a lot to do with democracy, in the face of situations of exclusion

-And for you, it seems crazy to him that a group of lawyers make a bingo to contribute to a better school for his children?

-What the discussion was created, it is obvious that the great solution of the problems The social demands that society participates much more. There has been a very bad discussion in the world of whether more state or more market. The president said this week; we not only want development, we want the development of a type of society that is neither market nor statist, and that has a fundamental focus in civil society. "I am not at all orthodox, the problem is not the level of taxes" The siege was done left on issues such as the law of copper or fishing, but in d & # 39; others, like taxes, Evpoli requires that it be governed by right flags, which taxes are reduced.

We do not remove the flags on the left, we are conquering the flags and making them ours. We did not go to the left, we took facts of great social and political symbolism, and we give them an answer to us. The only people who have understood this are people of the Autonomous Movement like (Jorge) Sharp, who sees that something important is happening here.

There are people who believe that lowering taxes is a kind of religion. Taxes, markets, are all tools to ensure inclusion, solidarity and progress for all. Some measure the liberal character of a government by the level of taxes, I measure it by the true freedom of the people. Entrepreneurs say "if we lower taxes, we invest more", which has a positive impact, of course. The truth is that the investment numbers we have are extraordinary, so to speak foreign investments coming, so it does not seem to be an extraordinary deterrent, and there is some fiscal urgency because that they left us a very difficult situation. 19659002] -No orthodox what you say for one area of ​​the country

-I am not orthodox at all, the problem is not the level of taxes, it is the freedom of the people. With this ideology is lost, for something the right has had a minority calling and some even feel like a little pride. "Our proposal is so good that it is a minority" … a kind of aristocratic half-resignation to Minoritarianism, similar to Extreme Marxism.

At a certain point, traditional discourse has lost the center of key elements of politics, such as social justice, solidarity, and community. If you are considered someone who benefits from it, enjoy it as much as possible and live in your exclusive neighborhoods without worrying about the rest, well, ah is the basis of populism but without any ability to be more. And you have to take it seriously, to be more, you really need to make sure that our answers are the best answers, which will benefit everyone.

– And do it without complexes, because the most critical of Piera in his first When taxes rose, they were their own supporters.

-I have a lot of friends who pay attention, I look at the family income, the million jobs, the women who come to work, because the revolutions, the freedom that opens up horizons and eliminates poverty. What do they think of when they condemn a government because it has raised or lowered taxes!

-And the president is in the same idea?

-Totally. Collaborating with the President is fantastic, has a strong social commitment and does not have this kind of dogma, because without denying the importance of the tax burden, we can discuss it in many ways as a tool, not as a tool. end. You can have a high level of taxation to empower people or as a tool of political power to impose a school. It's socialist clbad politics, we ask for taxes to do solidarity, but solidarity is placed by us. It's very different that they directly choose Pedro, Juan and Diego

– There is no risk that this new narrative will inflate hopes in old rebel problems, such as security or security. violence in La Araucana, because example:

– The management of expectations was not good in the first government, now there is much more care. The economic numbers are good, but we must go calmly, they are all good news, but we must not turn it into success.

We all know that security or La Araucana is not solved with a magic wand, but for the first time. Minister like Alfredo Moreno with an almost exclusive dedication, who tries to understand the problem. I love talking to him, because he looks like an anthropologist! The man vibrates with what he does and transmits, there has never been any implication of the intensity that we see. Crime is a murderous struggle and if we persist, we will push it back. There are already 5 mbadive raids and they will be 10, 20, the president will be there, Minister Chadwick too, polls show how people perceive a very important change, they still believe.

This story opens a new frame of conversation "We played cards that the opposition did not have in their game"

– After several months of government, do you think you have managed to install this new "social right"?

-Installing these ideas is a long-term argument, the incarnation of solidarity is not simple for a right that has sometimes been considered self-absorbed or self-absorbed. The milestones have been concretizing urgent things like migrations, carabineros, which show a president capable of doing things, and politically, the cornerstone is the national agreements that have been questioned and that bring remarkable results. The cross-cutting agreement, from Sharp to UDI, around 150 security proposals, a traditionally sensitive issue and source of divisions, is an indication.

Of course, this creates a big problem in the opposition, they are divided on how to deal with it. We played cards that the opposition did not have in its game with the ideas of solidarity, inclusion and sustainable development and these great cross-agreements.

– Go to disconcerted opposition

– Basante perplexed, will say more, we play alone on the field. I hope that serious oppositions will be formed, without pretending that we would be wrong to have 5 seconds on TV. There is a center of Citizens to the DC that is very important and I would like it to be revived, I'm waiting for a type of center-left of the social-Christian, social-democratic type, because the development countries is carried out with a basic agreement. The grace of Europe in the post-war era was to have conservative, liberal and orderly social democratic parties. That's what we need to build in Chile, much more important than winning an upcoming election, what's important is to be able to create a new consensus. Chile has lived through a 20 year consensus that has been very productive, our great political task is to create the basis for a new consensus that requires new political agreements. I strongly insist on the book on pacts that requires a democracy.

-C is an old aspiration of Piera, making pacts with the center, is more fruitful with the close figures like Mariana Aylwin?

-And with Sharp, with Boric …

-Do you think it's hard to make a deeper pact with the Frente Amplio?

-But not impossible, it was possible safely. It is possible to walk this way because when you sit down at the table, the real differences are much less than the drama that the political scenario wants to put.

They were part of the DC, the PPD, but arguably the contribution that the Frente Amplio is of greater interest, especially the interesting reflections Sharp has made. His speech, when he was elected, seemed to want to take the winter palace and govern Valparaso, a complicated city, with many problems. Here, there are quite legitimate differences, we have different political projects, but what is interesting is when we can unite around certain things respecting differences. When they say "the opposition" … there will be no opposition "LA", because between Bacheletism, the old Concertation and these new sectors there is very little in common.

-Differences with the PS are more visible, more Frontales, is the big opponent that the government has today?

– The great tragedy of this more traditional Chilean left is that it completely abandons social democracy as an alternative, which Lagos represented. They are in absolute darkness, where there is no more light than criticizing the government. They self-destruct, remain in marginality, in political insignificance finally very expensive. It is enough to see what happened with the socialist parties in Europe, the Greek PS … the way of disappearance is sometimes fast

-Do you think that the Bachelet government left a worse democracy at the beginning? Chile?

-S, because, as I say in the book, democracy presupposes an environment; and a culture, a civic friendship, are not some laws. We will not understand what happened in Chile in the 60s, 70s, we destroyed civic friendship, respect, logic of dialogue.

"The right has a minority vocation and some even feel it as a" Our proposal is so good that it is a minority "… a kind of aristocratic half-resignation to Minoritarianism, similar to Extreme Marxism. "

" We do not remove the flags on the left, we are conquering flags and making them ours, we did not go to the left, we took facts of great social and political symbolism, and we give them an answer. "

" (At the PS) they are in an absolute night, where there is no greater lighthouse than criticize the government, the non-agreement, they self-destruct, remaining marginalized. "

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