"I think the president did it before the plane landed in Punta Arenas as it did not explain how a plan is advertised and that no one was there. do not know anything about it "


– The parliamentarian questioned Mayor Claudio Radonich about the presidential visit "farandulizar" and the damage caused to the region.

Senator Carlos Bianchi expressed his deep discomfort with the last presidential visit and how the Mayor of Punta Arenas, Claudio Radonich, is responsible for regional policy and, in particular, the commemorative activities of the 500 years of the pbadage of Magallanes by the strait that bears his name.

About the Magallanes plan announced by Piñera. After consulting hundreds of people and social and business organizations, Bianchi said: "I think the president did it before the plane landed in Punta Arenas because he did not explain how a plan is announced and nobody knows anything about it, "he said.

He stated that it was only a series of trawling projects emanating from previous administrations and that he had been struck by the fact that the president or even talked about it with those who had to vote the finance law. "What also holds my attention, and that we could almost interpret as a dark political movement and buried, is that, unfortunately, I say it with great concern and, in fact, I will arbitrate the government, the investments in Ultima Esperanza are extraordinarily below all the others in the region.While we are talking about more than $ 200 billion for the other communes, in Natales, only $ 23 billion has been allocated, or 15% of the total. Some may want the mayor of Natales (Fernando Paredes) to go wrong and for this reason, probably among his relations in the central government he called for a reduction of investment in Ultima Esperanza. is that a political clash between members of the same government will hurt the region and the province of Ultima Esperanza, "he said.

About 500 years ago, he said: "One particular person wanted to appear in all the events of the 500 years of the discovery of the Strait of Magellan.It is an important step in the whole region and not in a This should have been an act directed by the first regional authority and had attracted the attention of the steward who was not even aware of any element of the president's program. remember that in a unitary state that represents the President of the Republic in a region, it is the stewards and not the mayors.By taking an exacerbated role, trying to stay with this figuration, the truth is that it does not contribute in no way to what it is seriously responsible to pursue, "he said.

The senator said he was deeply troubled to have been wasted the president's visit." It is detrimental to allworld that a particular mayor takes all the necessary measures and does not let the government, the regional council, the stewardship take the lead. "What he did was" farandulizar "and granted less Money to the presidential visit, because the region expects, for example, whether next year, with the new gas tariff, it will increase or not, all indicates that's how it's going to be. It turned out to be a simple show, an artistic show, it turned into a totally media affair that harms and harms our own region. The visit of Chancellor Roberto Ampuero was missed, to the point that I had to go to the Foreign Ministry on Monday to address the issue of ice fields in the South and Antarctica, "he said. 19659008] In front of 500 years

As for the figures to come, the parliamentarian indicated that he did not think that Radonich had appointed, in a totally unvisited way with the regional advisers and regional councilors, Francisco Saavedra Celebration, without questioning their professional abilities

"What concerns me is that I find out and I would like to know if this is true or not, only to come and applaud in Punta Arenas, $ 4,500,000 is canceled. The mayor requested that this be paid for by two private companies and a company related to the municipality of Aguas Magallanes. I would like to know if this is true because, if that is the case, let us not forget that the municipality manages the subsidies and that this situation could even be observed by the controller, "he said.


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