"I think the sedentary lifestyle is at the origin of obesity in Magallanes"


L to obesity is still a problem for the country and about o
for the region of Magallanes. This week a new report has been revealed
published by the United Nations for the
Agriculture and Food (FAO), which has ranked Chile as a country
highest obesity index in South America among women.

"The panorama of food and nutrition security in America
Latin and Caribbean 2018 "31% of the female population over 18
years presents this condition.

In detail, the study showed that the obesity rate in Chilean men of legal age reached 24.9%, ranking second in South America.

the latest data published by the latest national health survey
2016-2017, in Magallanes more than 13.6% of children under six years
they exhibit obesity and in people ages 14 to 64, the condition is observed

Regional Opinions

Mariela Rojas from the Magallanes Ministry of Health said that "the
Obesity is a regional and national problem and not just in women
but also in men and boys, which is the most serious thing.

As policies
we are working on many fronts and we hope you have
good results, even if they are not fast because they are badociated with a
cultural change, especially with a sedentary lifestyle and the type of
food, I think that a sedentary lifestyle is what brings us to the
L & # 39; obesity. "

another part, during his stay in Magallanes, the undersecretary of the networks
Dr. Asistenciales, Luis Castillo, noted that "obesity is a
problem of Chileans, not just women, men are more
obese, obesity in children is a very serious problem and overweight
equal. It is an integral approach that we must solve in a
cross-section, not only from the point of view of health, but also
educational and physical exercise. "

@ JesúsNieves

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