I thought I gained weight; they remove the tumor from 23 kilos


Millennium Digital

Mexico City / 29.06.2018 18:15:45

Kayla Rahn a 30-year-old woman from Alabama complains of stomach pain, fatigue and a sudden increase in weight. His surprise was great when, undergoing an operation, he removed a giant tumor of ovary weighing 23 kilos.

Although for months he tried to lose weight, he could not lose weight, until the table of operation, he discovered the real cause.

The Doctors of Jackson Hospital – in Montgomery, Alabama – point out that Rahn had a type of tumor known as mucinous cristadenome giant of ovary . This type of tumor despite its impressive size, is benign and comes from the tissue that forms the outer layer of the ovary called epithelium.

These tumors they are usually filled with a dense and gelatinous fluid, and as can be seen, they can reach large dimensions and weigh up to 100 kilos. Despite this, Dr. Gregory Jones, who performed the operation, told the local press that he was surprised by the size of the tumor and that it was "the largest he's never seen. "

Rahn is recovering and reports feeling well, especially because he can return to the clothes he wore there is a year, when this disorder began

* According to Live Science information.



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