"I would like a minimum wage of $ 420,000, but it's not viable"


The Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg, addressed the discussion on the re-adjustment of the minimum wage, after participating in the "national state" space of the national TVN channel.

In this context, the Secretary of State asked that "the negotiation be responsible. This is not a "rooster", because the state is not the one who pays the minimum wage. "

The former member argued that" when you set an amount that companies can not pay, they end up hurting workers who resort to informality or simply lose wages. " The discussion must be much more technical and responsible. "

On this basis, Monckeberg stated that" the real challenge is that fewer Chileans continue to earn the minimum wage ".

That is why he invited the parties to a "fruitful" dialogue and remarked that "the most important thing is that it is a minimum wage that allows us to grow, which n? does not affect employment and puts us in perspective Doing well, the worker will do better. "

In view of the above, excluded the proposal of the Unitary Confederation of Workers (CUT) which demanded a minimum wage of $ 420,000: "I would like a minimum wage of $ 420,000, but it's not viable."

According to statistics, Monckeberg explained that "about 650 thousand people in Chile earn the minimum wage, in Chile there is 30% informal work, and 40% for young people." [19659005] With this scenario, the portfolio manager stated that "we have come a long way in the last four years in public employment and very little in private employment, which is stimulating the economy. We must create more private and quality jobs. "

In the meantime, the Minister of Labor also referred to the pension reform project being prepared by the Government.

On this point, he stressed that" I believe that the pension reform is a real urgency and a moral duty to do so. Chile is aging at the speed of lightning and we are paying bad pensions. In women, it is unjustly low. "

Regarding the diagnosis As a solution, Monckeberg proposes that" we demand more solidarity and more contribution from the state.Today, our system needs more solidarity. who have more, contribute to those who have less. "

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