Illegal sale of arms to drug traffickers: General Martinez prepares his battle in Congress


A very copious breakfast will prepare General Ricardo Martinez for this Tuesday. Indeed, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army is summoned to Room 11 of Congress where he will have to explain to the Senate Defense Committee the cases of illegal sale of arms to drug traffickers belonging to those allegedly committed by soldiers and which he claimed to know.

The quote indicates that all parties are held from 12:30 to 14:00, although it is not excluded that the session may last longer than lunch time.

But his journey will not stop there. The same commission, but of the Chamber of Deputies, also invited it that same day in the room n ° 313 of the Congress. From 6:30 pm, they wait until he explains why these cases had not yet been reported to the country.

They also ask for the presence of Minister Espina

At both meetings, parliamentarians also asked for the presence of the Minister of Defense, Alberto Espina, who had last Friday a conversation with General Martinez. There, the civilian expressed his boredom to the uniform.

"He said that my words were imprudent," acknowledged the general last Friday.

Finally, when the portal The Clinic revealed audios in which General Martinez had specifically acknowledged being aware of cases of soldiers who sold weapons to drug trafficking groups and, not to discover, claiming that the Missing arsenal had been lost.

The conversation took place last Tuesday at the military academy, where about 900 uniformed soldiers listened to the commander-in-chief of the army, who tried to remind them of the attention in order to d & # 39; Avoid further business that would tarnish the work of the organization.

At the beginning of the month, 21 generals of the institution were retired, all because an alleged case of fraud was discovered in the state treasury: several people reportedly used tax funds for to buy tickets. tourist in Punta Cana, Miami, Florida and other destinations.

His defense

It is therefore thought that General Martinez will commit Tuesday to make his arsenal to defend himself, underlining that the denunciations have already been made known to the Prosecutor General's Office and the fact that, for the At the moment, it only concerns five people in uniform

In fact, some of this information has already progressed last week with El Mercurio. "With regard to the denunciations that the army made to the second military court on October 12 and 26, they concern five corporals of the same unit."

However, the battle is hard for at least MPs are not. They rule out that a special commission examines the situation in this case with a magnifying glbad. At least the deputy Jorge Brito (RD), chairman of the commission to investigate irregularities in the military, said last Saturday that there were "inconsistencies" in the words of the 39th Army [19659015] [ad_2]
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