IMF celebrates Macri's economic policy and calls for more cuts | news


The director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde supported on Saturday the economic policy applied by the government of the Argentine president Mauricio Macri while exhorting him to continue the cuts

In a brief press conference with the Minister of Finance and Finance of Argentina Nicolás Dujovne, said that they have "great respect" for the actions developed, then encourage the continuity of policies, coordinated with the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA).

"There has been progress in terms of fiscal and leadership Dujovne monetary and the Central Bank has managed a situation with less volatility and more transparency," said Lagarde.

In the middle of the first day of meetings of the G20 leaders in Buenos Aires (capital), the head of the IMF said that she does not doubt the achievement of "budgetary goals" , but she nevertheless warned: "The goal of inflation must be achieved."

Despite the economic clues that hit the majority of the Argentine people and constant mobilizations against the government and the IMF – like the protest of this Saturday -, Lagarde reiterated his confidence. "We see that the Argentine economy will improve in early 2019 and 2020."

Last May, Macri executive asked the Fund a loan of $ 50 billion for three years.Despite the rejection of the people and the opposition, the intention of the authorities is to comply with reductions and adjustments ordered by the institution.

>> Macri recognizes that the Argentine economy will not grow this year

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