Important definitions of Dietrich for Bahía Blanca and the region


Adrián Luciani / [email protected]

Several important definitions, many of which will surely have a great impact in Bahía Blanca and in the region, left yesterday the visit to the city of Guillermo Dietrich, Minister of Transport of the nation.

In an exclusive interview given to "La Nueva.", After presenting the train to Vaca Muerta in the local harbor and visiting the works at Sesquicentenario, El Cholo and Route 33, the official spoke about the present and the future of the roads and trains that have Bahia Blanca as epicenter.

In this regard, expressed its commitment to the completion of the main roads underway (Sesquicentenario – El Cholo and Route 33) and stated that the national government intends to bid before the end of the year Bahía Blanca – Dorrego Beau highway).

After noting that the port of Bahía Blanca is the deep-water port that the country needs, he announced that in a few days other rehabilitation works of the Coronel Maldonado railway workshops would be launched.

He also ruled out that the Vaca Muerta train could reach the potash mine in Vale, south of Mendoza, and admitted that all the nation's efforts in the railways are placed on freight trains and not on pbadenger trains. the interior of the country.

The main sections of the dialogue maintained by Dietrich with La Nueva, whose municipal mayor Héctor Gay took part, are transcribed below.

– In your essay at the port You said that Bahía Blanca and Neuquén are the Argentine cities with the greatest potential. What is the basis of this statement?

– In the country there are several cities with high potential, for example Purmamarca, Cachi, Iguazu, Ushuaia, etc., but there are clearly many opportunities for tourism, but from the point of view from the growth of the economy, from the industry, I think Bahia and Neuquén are the most promising cities. Neuquén today vibrates mainly for Vaca Muerta. All of this is an economic activity and, as President Macri says, investments make the country grow.

– Bahia Blanca?

– Bahia has the only deepwater port of Argentina and I think it will last a long time because it is a very strategic port. Many times it has been said that Argentina needs a deep water port and this port is Bahía Blanca. Now, thanks to its infrastructure and the Norpatagónico train, two axes are consolidated that will be pivotal to the country's growth.

– Do you still maintain that the two major highways in March (El Cholo – Sesquicentenario and Route 33) will be completed?

– They are being done and that is what matters. We have received a lack of infrastructure, corruption and today, two years later, we can show that we are doing this work and we are recovering the railways. And I say more, we do it with planning, with a federal vision.

– Are not you afraid that the economic situation will eventually delay this work?

– No, those in progress in Bahia have an impressive pace and that does not only happen here, but in many other cities of the country.

– Is this to say that he is convinced that these great projects for Bahia will be saved from adjustment?

– On the one hand we have announced the work of PPP (Public Private Participation) which will start in the next few months and which are outside the tax restrictions. We also have a work plan that we are working hard on. Perhaps some work that we have not started will be delayed a little more, but the 2019 budget will be in more important work than the current work.

– For example, the contract to convert Route 3 into a safe route between Azul and Dorrego will be signed in the coming days?

– Others have until the end of the month to sign, those who do not sign will have a penalty of $ 15 million that will enter the state and will be used to continue to do work, and this broker will be solicited.

– In this context, it is encouraged to state that the second phase of the PPP, where lies the highway Bahía Blanca – Dorrego, will make offers this year?

– Yes, we are working for that, most likely yes, it is our expectation, first we want to set up this project the first PPP, to be sure that the contracts are finished and if something happens relic then move on to step 2.

-An unresolved issue in Bahía Blanca is to take trains out of the city and take them to less urbanized areas. Until now, it is noted that the train at Vaca Muerta does not include a railway reform in this sense, but only to recover the road to Neuquén. Will it be for the future or is it not envisaged?

– The reality is that all of these things we do are the ones that were not done, most of them should have been done to solve other problems. Today, the Gay Mayor has said that the Sesquicentennial Road was made when the city was 150 years old, in 1978, that is to say, 40 years went by without work there. You must see how Bahia grew up and practically nothing has been done. Now, we have to focus on the priority because if we do not do anything, and if we make the priority, we will do all these desires because we will not have to specify in the future what we have done today.

[19659002 What about pbadenger trains?

– There is no doubt that freight trains are a priority for the national government, but for long-distance pbadengers, such as the Buenos Aires train. Aires – Bahía Blanca -Bariloche Will they be included in a later stage or will they not see them directly?

– It is a question of priorities, the priority is the transportation of goods and we plan to invest 10 billion dollars in recovering them, c & # 39; is something that has never been done since they were built 100 years ago. All this is a lot of money, but the development of regional economies in the interior of the country is based on freight trains.

– Inland residents demand the return of pbadenger trains …

– Unfortunately, there is a somewhat folkloric view that development comes with pbadenger trains, but the world has changed. When pbadenger trains have developed cities, the plane did not exist and the reality is that with competition in the air or low cost sector, people will arrive in an hour and a half or two to Bariloche in a way much cheaper than a pbadenger train would leave. In long distances, the train loses pbadengers in front of the plane because it becomes cheaper. We have made significant progress in pbadenger trains.

– Yes, but they did it in the metropolitan area.

– We improved the train to Rosario, also to Bahía Blanca, to Mar del Plata, but the important thing now is to develop freight trains because they profit regional economies.

– The train to Vaca Muerta may have an extension south of Mendoza because of the problem of potbadium.

– Any economic development that can finance an extension of the train can be done, but it does not exist today, it is a subject that we have badyzed, we have seen the projects and there is no one who is willing to invest for the train to get to the south of Mendoza, yes until Añelo, to Vaca Muerta.

Maldonado Workshops

– What will happen with the Maldonado Workshops? There are rumors of an early call for bids.

– It's like that. We aim to offer them at the end of the month. We did a similar project with the Mechita workshops, which are close to Bragado.
These workshops were a sign of the decadence of management in the province of Buenos Aires, with Ferrobaires having 3,000 people and no service, with workshops closed a long time ago and people who did not work . A Mechita went to invest a Russian group and today is in operation, people have returned to work.
Before the World Cup we were with President Macri and with Governor Vidal. Now we are doing a similar process with Maldonado because it will be a strategic place for the development of the Norpatagónico train.

– Is there an interest?

— I understand we are and we are very advanced in the call for bids.

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