Imprisonment without bail and five counts of murder for a suspect in the US newspaper


The Office of the Prosecutor filed on Friday five murder charges against Jarrod Ramos accused of Thursday's shooting in an Annapolis newspaper (Maryland, USA) where he allegedly killed ] five persons and that he is detained in prison "without bail".

For the moment, according to the documents of the court to which he had access Efe Ramos must answer for the murder of five people, although can not exclude new charges since, in addition to the deceased, three other people had to receive medical attention because of the shooting.

Ramos, 38 years old will not face the death penalty, since Maryland abolished this punishment in 2013, so if he is found guilty, he will receive a death sentence. perpetuity.

Currently, the suspect is "under arrest and no possibility of fi Anza", reported today the Maryland District Attorney Wes Adams, who announced that must undergo "a preliminary hearing or appear before a jury within a maximum of 30 days." ]

Ramos was arrested at the scene a few minutes after allegedly firing in the editorial of the newspaper Capital Gazzete .

The attacker entered the newspaper building at 2:30 pm local time (same time in mainland Chile) and opened fire through the glazed door of an office killing five people.

Police arrested Ramos in the newsroom,

The accused lost a defamation suit against the Capital Gazette in 2015 for an article that was not published. he had hidden under a table and . of 2011, in which, citing Jewish documents The newspaper has identified as a stalker of women on social media.

Anne Arundel County Police Chief, Timothy Altomare said today that Ramos used a legally acquired rifle to make a year despite having a criminal record. He also said that sought to kill "all possible people."

So far, Ramos refuses to cooperate with the authorities, said Altomare, who explained that the authorities yesterday recorded the home of the alleged murderer outside of Washington and found evidence that the attack was planned.

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