In 5 years, more than 7,500 people have accepted anti-HIV treatment


According to the Ministry of Health, in the past 5 years, 7,600 patients across the country have accepted antiretroviral therapy, which involves the use of anti-HIV drugs, also known as antiretroviral drugs; As these are provided free of charge by the health portfolio, each person diagnosed saves about 10 million guilders a year.

Last November, the Ministry of Health published a report on the national AIDS program. STI, which reflects the number of cases diagnosed with HIV infection: from 1985 to 2017, there were 17,828 diagnoses;

See more details: More than 1,000 new HIV cases

In this framework, 1,149 free services have been established throughout the country to provide comprehensive care for HIV-positive people. [19659005] In addition, there are four others that offer follow-up testing for people under treatment. This study is called CD4 viral load and is available in Asunción, Itauguá Hospital, Regional Hospital of Encarnación and Regional Hospital of Ciudad del Este.

Historically, all patients had to resort to Asunción to be diagnosed and treated. Currently, they are diagnosed and cared for in their own community or closer to home.

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