In a new chapter of the Milk War: Watt's wants to know who are the owners of Colun


It all started a few years ago, in 2014, when Watt found that something did not fit the market share adjustments. Doubts about the status of its main competitor, Colun, who enjoyed in his eyes some advantages for its cooperative nature.

The fight for the title of the best product has degenerated and the so-called Milk War. Today, a new chapter is written and Watt now demands to know who is the true power of Colún.

Through the intermediary of Transparencia, the company behind Danone and Calo asked for the annual report of the cooperative "The Magic of the South". "and its financial statements to the Ministry of Economy.However, the portfolio was not agreed.

In a letter signed by Ximena Vial, head of the business division Legal Secretary of the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry, said that "the required report contains a list of members and their quotas of participation in the cooperative, calculated with the distribution of results, how to apportion the result, withdrawals and interest paid on capital, could determine what corresponds to each partner, exposing a portion of the badets of a natural person making him bear unfounded, the burden of exposing some of his badets to social control, when the. public interest is not obvious to know the names of natural persons and part of their heritage. "

The government's response is negative, but Watt does not remain inactive and responds by accusing this distribution of violating the principle of transparency." According to Pulso, the company said "that it is scandalous to argue with just reasons that go against the transparency of the information that should be known to all Chileans who finance the benefits of this cooperative by exonerating it from taxes. "

"We are faced with a case where we try to hide the identity of 50 powerful families who represent only 7% of the members of Chile 's largest cooperative and who make 50% of the profits without paying any fees. "

The company that also sells oils, jams and frozen products ensures that they are not opposed to cooperatives and support small farmers", but we refuse the use made by certa ins. of them and their benefits and the impact it has on the free competition of the dairy sector. "

As a result of Watt's accusation, the mental government entity again responded and stated to await the Transparency Council's resolution on the company's request. "The Under-Secretariat is waiting for such a response to comply with the instructions given by this body with regard to this issue," he said in a public statement.



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