In San Javier, they apply rapid tests for rapid detection of HIV


The National Coordinator of HIV-AIDS Care in collaboration with AHF-CHILE (AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and the support of the Municipality of San Javier, made a day of access to rapid tests for the detection of infections derived from Human Immunodeficiency Virus – HIV, by means of a multidisciplinary team that will take blood samples for the rapid test from those who request it, according to a voluntary, free and confidential procedure.

The day that took place yesterday frontis the Municipal Theater and considered the installation of a giant condom of 8 meters, where will be delivered condoms, HIV tests and specialized information on the disease free

It must be remembered that in 2017 more than 5800 were detected in Chile new cases, most caused by the fact of not using condoms in bad relationships It is estimated that one-third of infected people do not know their condition and this is a situation that could change if they accessed the detection test in a timely manner, which is a very useful tool for stop the chain of transmission of the virus. Since the main route of transmission is to have unprotected bad, especially among the badually active population who is between 18 and 39 years old.

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