In Sinaloa, a case of breast cancer is detected every day | Debate


Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- According to health statistics, in the Mexican newspaper a case of bad cancer is detected which considerably increases the rate of this affection.

As part of the International Day Against Breast Cancer, the Reto Group held a press conference in the Council Room to raise awareness of the importance of self-review to those present and bad revision permanently.

It is curable.

Claribel López, director of the group and responsible for giving the conference "Timely detection … an opportunity for life", has clearly indicated that this disease is curable, provided that it is detected at time.

He added that it was necessary for society to put an end to this theory that this disease affects only women, because, depending on the case, men, although to a lesser extent, are also likely to suffer from this disease, including: He mentioned the case of a resident of Juan José Ríos who had been removed from the chest.

"Only at Sinaloa it is said that at least 348 cases are detected per year, ] a case detected per day and on average, a little more than 60 deaths have been recorded.Many say that in Sinaloa many factors intervene, like chemists because they are a productive state in agriculture, but the truth is that there are many factors to take in these cases. "

To take into account

In this sense, he mentioned some points that it is important to take into account to avoid being another case of cancer of the bad, such as not eating the same food repeated daily, as this does not allow the body to digest it properly.

"It is important to avoid the use of tobacco and alcohol, even if a dram does not do anything, but we must take into account that any excess is bad. also important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.We often say that it is important to encourage the use of condoms, because it prevents women from injecting each month, by taking pills, which in turn ultimately is a time bomb because it fills the body with hormones that it does not know how to handle. "

Patient age

The leader of Grupo Reto, who has focused in recent years on helping women and men who have faced this disease, said that between Risk factors are also inheritance factors, ie family history related to this illness.

"Being overweight is also a very important factor and we are very concerned about the age at which it is presented.This disease.Was previously said it was in women over 50, but it There are cases of 22-year-old girls, 18 years old, and that turns on the red light. "

Commemorate World Cancer Day

As part of the International Day for the Fight Against Cancer Breast Cancer, El Fuerte City Council, through the DIF and the Municipal Institute of Women, has conducted activities to promote timely prevention and screening for this disease and the The importance of self-exploration.


Immujer's owner, Alma Flores Verduzco, recognized Mrs. Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz because, thanks to the Te Queremos Sana program in Sinaloa, the number of studies on early detection of bad cancer has doubled. The leading cause of death among women. There was also a walk in the main streets of the magical city.

They Encourage Self-Exploration to Detect Breast Cancer

Early diagnosis of bad cancer can save a woman's life through proper treatment. because 33% of cases are detected when it is already very advanced to be operated, explained Efren Encinas Torres.

The Secretary of Health pointed out that with 200 positive cases detected this year, unlike the 465 cases recorded in 2017, the culture of prevention is the means by which women over 40 years of age carry out a car -Review and regular visits to the doctor: "Cancer may not be a way to prevent it, but to diagnose it in a timely manner to provide treatment." [19659002] The caravans that run health care systems throughout the state through mammography studies have allowed you to be detected to the ontological centers of the capital.

As part of bad cancer month, the head of state led the commemorative march.

"Breast cancer remains the first neoplasm limiting health and often life," said the secretary. Sinaloa

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