In the future, your bank card could be vertical


This horizontally oriented credit card dates from the 20th century

FayerWayer is already becoming a bank news site. Especially after what happened with The Shadow Brokers. But this time we bring you something more fun: a look at the future of the bank card.

The people of Starling Bank in the United Kingdom sometimes realize how they are usually used. these plastics.

When introducing the card into an ATM, into a payment terminal, or when paying with NFC technology. Everything is done vertically.

So they decided to create a credit card; where all data and their design are organized in the most current way. But they are not the only ones:

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<p> As well as the colleagues in The Verge report; it seems <strong> a new trend. </strong> When several banking and financial institutions decided to innovate the design of their cards. </p>
<p>  In the end, this decision also harmonized with <strong> the numerical versions of these plastics </strong>; viewed by mobile apps. </p>
<p>  So it is very likely that it will only be a matter of time before a bank in Latin America adopts this fashion. </p>
<p>  Your credit card may be vertical soon. </p>
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