In the house of his dead mother: the brothers find the mummified body of a dead baby 50 years ago | The society


Three brothers witnessed a shocking discovery in a house in Northallerton, England, after discovering the mummified remains of a baby who died 50 years ago. The trio cleaned up his mother's house, Carol Thompson, after his death in January.

Although the finding was made in February, the details of this operation were revealed during a judicial interrogation conducted on November 21. November in the city where the brothers surrendered.

According to The Independent, the three people were cleaning the house by opening a 45-centimeter long box . At that time, they discovered the skeletal and affected remains called the police.

According to the details provided by the aforementioned media, it would be the elder brother of the youth, who died 50 years ago according to the forensic badyzes carried out. Carol Thompson's house (first right) | Google "width =" 1960 "height =" 1252 "clbad =" size-full wp-image-3935421 "srcset =" 1960w,×767.jpg 1200w "sizes =" (max-width: 709px) 85vw, (max-width: 909px) 67vw, (max-width: 1362px) 62vw, 840px "/>

The House of Carol Thompson (First from right) | Google

In the Court's account, the people involved in the case indicated that had never been aware of the existence of another close relative. However, the badyzes confirmed that he was the son of Carol and Melvin Thompson (parents of 3)

For the time being, neither the family nor the experts were able to determine if this baby had been able to successfully develop

In a statement to the media, Coroner John Broadbridge indicated that letters dating back to 1968 [1 9459005] and the leaf were also found in the box. in which the little one was packaged had been manufactured in the decade of the 50.

"(The death) we do not know, despite all the efforts.It is something tragic, completely tragic and terribly terribly sad that your mother had to keep a secret like this ", in detail.

It should be noted that Thompson divorced in 1996. Melvin said that he never had any information regarding the pregnancy of his ex-wife, while his last three children were born in the 70's .

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