In which cities does the company that will take the bike service of Buenos Aires already operate?


Source: Archive

RIO DE JANEIRO.- Tembici, the Brazilian company that will take over
Public transport system of Bicicletas porteño, was founded in 2010 under the name of Compartibike to develop urban mobility projects such as public services of bicycles, large car parks for bicycles, bike paths, schools of bicycles and bicycles special. Its partners are young entrepreneurs Fabrizio Haas, Martins Tomás, Mauricio Villar, Pedro Monteiro and Paulo Siequeroli, and Joá investment fund (owned by popular TV host Luciano Huck).

In May 2017, Tembici acquired Serttel, its sustainable transport brand Samba, which operates bicycle sharing services in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, El Salvador and Recife (under the patronage of Banco Itaú) and Manaus, Belém and Santos (with other private sponsors). In 2009, Serttel set up the first public bicycle system in Latin America in Rio de Janeiro.

From the beginning, as a supplier of bicycles and technology used for service, Tembici was supported by Canadian Solutions PBSC Urban Solutions, the world leader in the shared bike system. But from April this year, the Brazilian company also began making its own plans in an Extrema factory in the state of Minas Gerais, which already produced 5,500 bicycles. On the other hand, it has spread to other Brazilian cities and abroad, such as Santiago de Chile. Next year will make a foothold in Buenos Aires.

Light bikes

The previously existing system received many complaints from users due to the lack of station bicycles, the limited number of stations, the poor condition and maintenance of bicycles, and the time lost to remove a bike from the train stations. seasons. All of these problems were addressed by Tembici, who introduced lighter, tougher, safer and more comfortable bikes, a more modern, simple and agile system for removing units, and solar stations with totems. independent for a larger number of bicycles. They work from 5 am until midnight. In general, satisfied with the changes, users are now asking for more bicycles and more stations, especially in areas where the system is not currently installed.

Today, Tembici is present in 17 cities with 34 projects and has about 12,000 shared bicycles in operation, with 3 million users. The city that has the largest number of uses in all of Latin America is Rio de Janeiro, with an average of 16,000 trips a day.

The service depends on each city, but all offer different types of registration, either personally, or through an application for mobile phones where you pay by credit card or with the use of A local metropolitan transport card (similar to our SUBE), and you can access different temporary plans. For example, in San Pablo there are travel plans (at 2 reais for one hour), daily (8 reais), three days (15 reais), monthly (20 reais) and annual (160 reais). It is the city that has the most shared bicycles, 5700, divided into 260 stations; Rio, the second, has 2600 bicycles in 260 stations

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