Increases sales of Sanborns-Reeforma at iShop and MixUp – 25.10.2018


During the third quarter, total sales of Grupo Sanborns amounted to 11.810 million pesos, which represents an increase of 7.1% over the same quarter in 2017.

At the same time, sales to units The same thing, which measures the results of stores with more than one year of operation, increased by 7.7% over the same period.

In its latest financial report, Grupo Sanborns, which includes stores of the same name, as well as Sears, Mix UP / iShop and Saks Fifth Avenue, among others, revealed that the largest increase in sales came from specialized.

It is good that Sears sales in equal units increased by 3.1% in the third quarter of 2003. last year and Sanborns stores did so in 4.3% of iShop and MixUp stores were much higher and grew together by 26% between July and September of last year.

"The performance of renovated stores such as Per isur, Plaza Universidad and Sears online sales contributed to the 7.7% growth in store sales," the group added.

He explained that during the third quarter of the year the group had opened five new units: a Sanborn one with a built-in format at Parque Las Antenas shopping center, an iShop in Averanda, Cuernavaca and two others in Mundo E, in the State of Mexico, and another in Mérida, Yucatán.

The Sanborns group's third-quarter operating cash flow (Ebitda) added one thousand 208 million pesos, down 3.4% from the same period in 2017.

Net controlling profit increased by 1.4% to 697 million pesos during the same period.

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