India asks WhatsApp to avoid spreading fake messages | news


The government of India asked the WhatsApp messaging company to take steps to prevent the spread of fake messages, after a video broadcast in the famous app (app) has caused a lynching with a balance of five dead

On Sunday, several people attacked about eight men, five of whom lost their lives because of the incident. Foreigners spoke only with a minor, but the crowd was influenced by a fake video on child traffickers

"The deep dismay of these facts was forwarded to WhatsApp and informed the company that the necessary corrective measures must be taken, "said the Ministry of Information Technology in a statement


The video mentioned, in fact, is the diminished version of an awareness campaign of a non-governmental organization in Pakistan in which two adults kidnap a child, but in the application the end n & rsquo; Does not appear, in which the young executive pointed out that the company "can not escape responsibility", for which she clarified that she had already expressed "unequivocally that WhatsApp must take immediate action to end this threat and ensure that platform does not use these activities in bad faith. "

At least 14 people have died since late May, because of ] lynchings related to messages and videos shared on social networks, local media reported Hindustan Times based on their own research.

>> WhatsApp will send pictures instantly

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