Indigenous and peasant organizations call for support for AMLO's next government


Indigenous and peasant organizations went to Andrés Manuel López Obrador's transition house in Colonia Roma, Mexico City on Thursday to ask for help and a solution to their problems.

Members of the Peoples Front in Defense of the Earth demonstrated at the office door to demand the total cancellation of the work of the New Mexico City International Airport.

Fifteen minutes later, the head of the citizens' attention, Leticia Ramírez, allowed his representatives to enter the house to hear their requests.

When they left, they offered a press conference.

"The welcome, we felt a total difference, it was very simple, the place is very small but we feel good," said Ignacio del Valle, a member of the Front People's Defense of the Earth

"We think it's unacceptable that somebody says it's going to endorse indigenous and native people first, nowadays." see businessmen first, "said Raúl Martínez, a member of the Peoples Front in defense of the land.

Later, native interpreters and translators arrived. "We know his path as president-elect and we are very happy, very happy and we are sure that he will support us," said Juventino García, a network of performers, translators and organizations indigenous.

Finally, at noon, a group of 300 peasants also arrived at Chihuahua Street, asking for enough water to irrigate their fields.

"We, with the policy we listened to and that Manuel Andrés directed, know that today, we must practically do things, give each of us what we are entitled to" , said Fernando Sánchez Reina, of the Council of Usu Aryens in defense of the black waters of the Mezquital Valley

López Obrador did not attend the halfway house because he had activities in the south of the city

  The organizations ask for the support of the next AMLO government
San Salvador Atenco went this morning to the transition house of presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador. (Notimex )

The inhabitants of San Salvador Atenco went to the transition house of the presidential candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, this morning. (Notimex)

With information from Carolina Altolaguirre.


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