Industrial exports increased by 12.6% in September, driven by cellulose


Although the price index has risen by 1.8% in 12 months, it is growing though it is moderate – it does not correspond to the 8.85% appreciation recorded by the dollar in recent months.

Exports The industrial sectors recorded an increase of 12.6% in September compared to the same month of the previous year, driven by the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard and Food divisions, with growth of 40% and 17% respectively. % respectively, according to the index developed by Sofofa and UC International Studies Center, CEIUC.

While the price index has risen 1.8% in 12 months, it is rising, but it is moderate – it does not coincide with the 8.85% appreciation recorded by the dollar in

"One possible explanation for the above is the appreciation of the yuan at 12 months over a significant portion of 2018, driving up the dollar cost of product manufacturing in general, generating some inertia in Entry price and finished products, "says the report.

However, he baderted that he should see a drop in the prices of industrial exports in future reports because – although the dollar has had corrections
in the short term – no structural element allows for predict a change of trend
in value.

The September report maintains a favorable outlook for industrial exports and the manufacturing sector in general.

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