Industrial production grows more than expected in May thanks to mines and manufactured goods


Signs of recovery of the Chilean economy are confirmed. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), industrial production rose 3.6% in May, a figure above expectations

although higher than 7.6% the previous month, the data is than the 2.4% expected by the experts consulted by Bloomberg.

The good performance of the industry is explained by the positive result of the three sub-indices that make it up.

The mining sector continues to show strength and has shown an expansion of 6.4%, due to the increase in all three types of mining. Metal mining rose 5.8%, driven by the extraction and processing of copper, due to the 12-month rise in the copper index of 7.3%. This product, however, had a weak basis of comparison, explained by lower production at a major site in May 2017, and climatic factors that reduced the output of some companies.

Manufactures continue to grow, albeit in a very shy way. The index rose 1.8% in May in twelve months, less than the 2% expected by experts and significantly lower than the 11.8% the previous month.

The rapid growth is largely explained by the increase of one year on the other 36.3% in the manufacture of machinery and equipment nec (not previously clbadified) . The latter, due to the greater demand of the mining sector and a weak basis of comparison, due to the period of testing of new facilities in the sector, said the INE.

Finally, the index of electricity, gas and water an interannual increase of 1.1%, due to the increase of two of the three activities that make it up. Water had the highest positive impact (0.821 percentage point) on the change in the index, with an expansion of 4.6%, explained by the increase in distribution to the destination residential, badociated with climatic factors and higher demand. [ad_2]
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