Industrial production in Brazil fell by more than 10% in May due to truckers' strike – Diario Digital Our Country


Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), July 4 (Sputnik) .- Industrial production in Brazil in May fell by 10.9% due to the truckers' strike, which for 11 days paralyzed a good part of the country, reported Wednesday the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

"In May 2018, national industrial production fell by 10.9% compared to April, the sharpest decline since December 2008 (-11.2%), reflecting the effects of the paralysis of truckers", explains this state body in a statement

In May, Brazilian truckers made 11-day stops to protest the price of diesel; the stops affected the supply of fuel and food and the activity of the factories.

Compared to May 2017 the industry fell 6.6%, the most intense drop since October 2016 (-7.3%), and interrupted twelve consecutive months of positive rates

Brazil came out of the recession in 2017 with GDP growth of 1% and for this year official forecasts indicate that the economy is growing below 2%, less than originally planned. (Sputnik)

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