Industrial production up 3.6% in May, driven by the mining sector – Noticias



Mining production increased by 6.4%, due to the increase of the three types of mining

  mining-production-electricity-ine-industrial-manufacturing [19659004] Friday, June 29, 2018 .- </strong> <strong>  The </strong> <strong>  industrial production recorded a growth of 3.6% in May </strong> contrasting with the same month of the previous year </p>
<p>  This is mainly due <strong> thanks to the positive performance of the mining sector </strong> reported <strong> National Institute of Statistics (INE) </strong> </p>
<p>  In this context, <strong> mining activity increased by 6 , 4% </strong> as a result of the increase of <strong> three types of mining </strong>. <strong> Metal mining increased 5.8%, with an impact of 5.618 pp. in the variation of the index </strong> brought about by the extraction and processing of copper <strong> due to the 7.3% year-over-year increase in the index of copper </strong>. </p>
<p>  <strong> According to the report of the INE </strong> this product had a weak basis of comparison, explained by the decline in production at a major site in May 2017, and by climatic factors that reduced the production of certain companies </p>
<p>. explained by the year-to-year increase of 36.3% in the manufacture of machinery and equipment not previously clbadified. </p>
<p>  The latter, due to increased demand from the mining sector and a weak basis of comparison, due to the testing period that the new institutions of the article had. </p>
<p>  Meanwhile, the index of electricity, gas and water reported an increase of 1.1% from one year to the next. Water had the largest positive impact with an expansion of 4.6%, explained by the increased distribution to the residential destination, badociated with climatic factors and higher demand. important. </p>
<p>  Portal Minero </p>
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