Infinity Flex Screen | The Samsung screen able to fold like a laptop | Technology and science | Mobile phones


Samsung Electronics Co Ltd presented its highly anticipated mobile phone to San Francisco developers and asked Android programmers to start designing apps for the product, which has no release date yet .

Samsung also launched a new flexible display technology for its mobile phones, christened "Infinity Flex Display" .

Foldable phones would allow consumers to perform more complex tasks normally requiring a tablet. or a laptop, but with a camera that becomes much more compact


The goal is to receive comments from critics as the news technologies will require developers to adjust their applications to make sure they work well when the phone is folded.

"It's an exciting concept and" We hope to see products from several Android developers, "Android Vice President Dave Burke said Wednesday at a Google conference.

" In fact We are already working closely with Samsung on a new device that they plan to launch.

The advance to developers also points to a new level of caution in product planning, following the costly removal of its Galaxy Note 7 in 2016 due to battery problems that could catch fire.

The size of this phone will exceed 7 inches and its final version will be known in 2019. However, there is still no details on the resolution that it will offer.

It is rumored that it would cost about $ 1,2000

(Source: El Comercio / Reuters)

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