Infrastructure projects progress for the ports of Puerto Williams and Puerto Toro on the island of Navarino


Advances in Port Infrastructure Projects at Puerto Williams and Puerto Toro on the Island of Navarino

Port Infrastructure in the Antarctic Province Shows Significant Progress in Port Works . This is a large multipurpose wharf in Puerto Williams that is expected to start operating in 2020. At Isla Navarino, there is a ramp for docking barges, as well as fishing vessels. medium and small size that would begin to be built in early 2019. In Puerto Toro, it is designed a work that is aimed primarily at allowing the boarding and disembarking of ferries and small vessels.

The projects are part of the Magallanes Plan budget announced by President Sebastián Piñera during his visit to the region last October. Of the 250 billion that will be invested in the region, 100,000 will be invested in the Antarctic Province.

In total, for this work, about 29 billion pesos will be invested with the help of resources from the regional government and sectoral funds. [19659005] (function (d, s, id) {
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